Life is meant to feel good. We are meant to feel secure and powerful inside and in the ventures we support with our money. We are meant to feel free and abundant. Engaging with the power of my money.
What do I actually DO?
Yeah yeah. I know I SHOULD be doing something with my money. But where do I start? What do I click on? How much time does it take?

Not Your Typical Investing Newsletter
We’ve all heard of the stultifyingly dry investing analysis out there. It’s partly what kept me from getting interested in investing for so many years.
This newsletter is the opposite. It’s the story of my investing as it really is: cool investing ideas I get from my everyday life, how I find the motivation to sit down and do it, the mistakes (especially the mistakes – they’re the best teachers!), the anxiety and fear I still feel regularly, the Too Hard companies that make me want to quit, the Missions that make me sit up and take notice, the note-taking I do, and the companies with which I fall deeply in love.
There are no valuation numbers, no recommendations, no advice. It’s an Investing Practice in real life.
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The Invested Practice is a bi-weekly newsletter of real-life value investing, step-by-step commentary, and curated links.

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Danielle Town is a New York Times bestselling author and Investing Practice expert who started out numbers-phobic and terrified of fluctuating stock markets, until she discovered that, with a little knowledge and practice, her weaknesses were actually strengths that made her a natural Buffet-style investor.
She is now focused on developing her own value Investing Practice to create generational wealth, and helping others do the same, through recognizing the power of our money. She wrote her book, Invested: How Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger Taught Me to Master My Mind, My Emotions, and My Money (with a Little Help from My Dad), with her investor father, Phil Town. They banter about value investing and life on their podcast, InvestED.