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Rethink How Investing Fits Into Your Life.

Are you avoiding money and all of the stuff that goes with it? We all have a relationship with money, but for most of us, it’s a bad relationship that feels empty, scary – or even toxic. We all want to be able to manage our money and see it grow, but we are afraid and don’t know where to turn or how to get started.
My relationship with money was a mess. I was the furthest thing from being invested. For years, I was so terrified of making a mistake and losing my money that I disconnected from all the incredible experiences and deeper relationship with my family tradition that my money could bring into my life. Often we don’t think about or talk about our relationship with money because it’s uncomfortable, but that takes us away from its incredible power. Yet it doesn’t have to stay that way.
Life is meant to feel good. We are meant to feel secure and powerful inside and in the ventures we support with our money. We are meant to feel free and abundant. Engaging with the power of my money is the most effective way I’ve found to develop abundance on the inside, with a meditation-like practice filled with deep joyfulness and power. It is also, of course, able to create outer abundance – a lovely side benefit to the inner results. Are you cut off from the power of connecting to your money?
The place to start is right here, just as you are, just as I did. We non-financial types who are mostly invested (us Normals) have incredibly powerful skills that we can use to our advantage when we put our money to work for us. For people who want to be able to manage their money and see it goes, but are afraid and don’t know where to turn or how to get started: this is where to start. Just as you are. My investing practice completely changed my life on the inside and the outside, and I know having an investing practice can change your life too.
The Mostly Invested Course is for you if…
…if you’ve tried to look into financial stuff and felt overwhelmed.
…if you feel stuck with your money.
…if you want to do good with your money, while doing well financially.
…if you want to be more abundant, self-confident, and secure.
…if you want to make time for yourself, but somehow never manage to do it.
…if you don’t want to keep avoiding investing in your future.

Each week of the course is five sessions of short capsule practice, so you can choose which days and times out of your week work best for you. The first week will give you more background info so you can understand what we’re doing, and then we’ll get started with the practices that will change how you engage with this incredibly powerful and joyful tool you have – your money.
Here’s what the program looks like

Access to All Content on our Easy-to-use Course Website
Our easy-to-use Mostly Invested course website features seven weeks of practices, including 36 videos to help you connect with your money and learn about yourself.

Immediate Practice
These practices will guide you as you take each step in developing your own investing practice. I will even lead you through a guided meditation at the beginning of each week.

Live Video Calls
You can ask me specific questions and get personal feedback as you move forward. In addition, you will receive exclusive interviews with some amazing people. These conversations will help you take what you’ve learned and put these lessons into action.

Unlimited Access To The Content
Once you’ve completed your seven weeks, you will have unlimited access to all the content and be able to visit it at any time! You will also have access to our recorded calls, and the expert interviews without restriction.
Here Are A Few Things That You’ll Learn

By the end of this course, you’ll have a personalized method for learning about money and markets. You will also know how to handle your money better as you dive deeper into decisions about your own finances. Best of all, you’ll have an investing practice for your money that is your own and works well for you.
Build a joyful investing practice that arises naturally from your real life.
Discover unique ways to support companies and products you love.
Create an investing space you love that supports your practice.
Find healing and comfort as you learn more about your relationship with money.
Learn to proudly identify as an investor, just as you are.
Build a vision board for your new life as a warrior from your couch.
Become brave and discover what it feels like to start using your money.

Bonus Interviews
Also included are some exclusive bonus interviews with some of my expert friends to bring you additional perspectives on how practice and investing improved their lives. You can’t find these interviews anywhere else.

About The Instructor
Hi, I’m Danielle Town, author of New York Times bestselling book Invested. I was once completely uninterested in what my money could do and terrified of making a mistake and losing it – and having that be all my fault. However, once I started to find my own way into the scary dark fog of financial stuff, I started to transform my emotions around money. It changed the way I live, I love and hold myself in the world. Now, I’m on a mission to change the way we invest.
A few years ago, I was a burnt out lawyer. My hair started falling out in clumps and my stomach basically stopped working. I was a mess. I had to get off the hamster wheel of working to pay the bills, but I couldn’t afford it. I had to re-invest in my life. I turned to something I had known about my whole life but never wanted to do: investing. I turned to my dad, Phil Town, for help. He is a Warren Buffett-style investor who buys wonderful companies and holds them for a very long time.
Once my dad and I started to talk, I realized I had to do something with my money or get left behind. It wasn’t easy at first; it was really hard for me to start engaging with my money as something good in my life, instead of something stressful. But I discovered that my money has incredible power to do good, and that I had been abdicating my power. I discovered that I could wield my money as a vote. And, most of all, I discovered that as I practiced doing so, I connected with myself in ways I never would have without creating my investing practice. Investing became a wonderful part of my life. It took time. But slowly, one step at a time, I found out that I can transform my financial future simply by leaning in to being myself. That I can invest in a way that makes sense to me.
Best of all, I discovered a way that takes the fear I felt and turns it around to work for, instead of against me. You can also invest—even if you don’t have stacks of cash sitting around. You can invest whatever amount you want and use your money to support businesses—and people—that also support your values. You can use investing as a way to effectively change the world for the better.
Registration Open For A Limited Time
The Mostly Invested Course will show you how money can be used in positive ways in your life, and that you have the power to support the companies that are doing amazing things.
Two Pricing Options
I am offering two pricing options. The first option is simply access to the Mostly Invested Course. The second option will give you a bundle price of full course access, plus a discounted rate of my exclusive bi-weekly newsletter called The Invested Practice (a value of $190).
Course Registration
Here is what you get:
- Access to the Mostly Invested course
- 36 videos to give you step-by-step guidance
- Live video calls with Danielle
- Immediate short practices to help you apply your learning.
- Interviews with surprise guests
- And Unlimited Access to all the content
The Newsletter Bundle
Here is what you get:
- Access to everything in the course registration:
- 36 videos to give you step-by-step guidance
- Live video calls with Danielle
- Immediate short practices to help you apply your learning.
- Interviews with surprise guests
- And Unlimited Access to all the content
- Plus: A one year subscription of The Invested Practice Newsletter (A value of $190).